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Maude NPA GUI Documentation


The zip files NPA-linux.zip and NPA-macintel.zip contains a version of Maude and a version of IOP. NPA.zip contains only the MaudeNPA and GUI code, assuming you have Maude and IOP already. To run MaudeMPA via the GUI you will need a recent Java (e.g. 1.7) and Graphviz (i.e. dot), information about the latter can be found here: www.graphviz.org. On linux you will need openjdk's Java, unless you have gnome installed, in which case you can pick either openjdk or Oracle's java.

It is assumed that you know how MaudeNPA works, and the following just explains how to talk to MaudeNPA via the GUI.

Using NPA

  1. Download the appropriate zip file, and unzip it. It will unzip to a directory or folder called NPA.
  2. Running the start command (./start from a terminal or double clicking in the Finder) displays the launcher window. From this window you can choose a protocol to analyze.
The Protocols tab allows you to select from instances that are pre installed or that you have instantiated, and may have saved data. (Select a protocol and press the Launch button in the lower right.) The Examples tab allows you to select from the suite of examples the come with Maude NPA. Selecting one of these will create a new directory in the protocols directory. This may take a little time as the grammar for pruning the search tree must be generated. It will be saved, so next time you access this example (from the protocols tab) it can simply be restored. In either case you will get Protocol manager window with a list of predefined attacks to explore. Selecting an attact and pressing accept will launch a window with a tab for each accepted attack. Now you can search by pressing Next, or clicking on a graph node and selecting the search item. Information about the state represented by a graph node can also be obtained by clicking on the node. To create a new attack using the attack editor press the "Edit Attack" button in the manager window (where the Accept button is). The Editor window will become visible. An attack is specified by specifying the attack strands and intruder knowledge items. Documentation for the attack editor is availble by pressing the Help button at the bottom of the editor window.

New Features

  1. Searching from a particular node. If you click on a graph node you will now be given the opportunity to search from that node.
  2. Saving and restoring search state. To save a search use the menu item in the "File" menu of the search panel. To restore a search use the "Restore Search" button in the Protocol manager window.


In order to use the attack editor, protocol roles need to be defined. If none are defined by the user, the GUI will use the strands of the constant STRANDS-PROTOCOL and give them arbitrary names (r0, r1 ...). If you make your own protocol (or edit an instance in the protocols folder) you can pick strands and names that you like, although the most useful strands to build attacks from are generally the protocol strands. For example NSPK defines
   = :: r ::
     [ nil | +(pk(B,A ; n(A,r))), -(pk(A,n(A,r) ; N)), +(pk(B, N)), nil ] &
     :: r ::
     [ nil | -(pk(B,A ; N)), +(pk(A, N ; n(B,r))), -(pk(B,n(B,r))), nil ]
  [nonexec] .
so a possible definition of roles is
  op initiator : -> Strand [metadata "role"] .
  eq initiator =
     :: r ::
     [ nil | +(pk(B,A ; n(A,r))), -(pk(A,n(A,r) ; N)), +(pk(B, N)), nil ]
  [nonexec metadata "role"] .

  op responder : -> Strand [metadata "role"] .
  eq responder =
     :: r ::
     [ nil | -(pk(B,A ; N)), +(pk(A, N ; n(B,r))), -(pk(B,n(B,r))), nil ]
  [nonexec  metadata "role"] .
You are free to choose any role names that you (and Maude) like. It is crucial that you add the metadata "role" attribute .

Using NPA with custom protocols

This version of NPA is designed to enable loading user defined protocols, as long as they are placed in the appropriate directory (i.e. a subdirectory of NPA/protocols), and are loadable by the current maude-npa. To make your own protocol folder, in protocols/ copy (-r) Template to ProtocolName put your maude file ProtocolName.maude in that folder, and replace NSPK by ProtocolName in the files load-npa-assist.maude and load-npa-assist-genGrammar.maude Double click on run_npa_gen the first time to generate and save the grammar. Once the grammar is saved you can use run_npa

Bug reports

Please send bug reports to ian.mason@sri.com.
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